The best recommendation from physicians and medical personnel worldwide is conservative therapy in the form of physiotherapy and exercise along with supervised pain medications. Surgery is the last resort, adopted in some rare cases.
Exercise is very much necessary to cure the disorder because excess weight can put unnecessary pressure on the nerve. Stretching and improving the flexibility of the hip joints and vertebral column will aid in reducing the numbness and pain. Lifestyle changes and choice of looser clothing must also be incorporated in order to see results quickly.
Physical therapy is also beneficial and is recommended in combination with analgesic medications. Trigger Point Therapy and other Soft-Tissue Techniques may also show results to reduce tightness in the hip and pain in thigh muscles. However, there is no alternative to following a general fitness program.
The above exercise targets abdominals, lumbar extensors, and spine stabilizers muscles
Hold each posture shown above for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat the pose 5 times.
The above exercise targets quadriceps and hip-flexor muscles of the body.
Every quadriceps stretch should be held for 30 seconds on each leg and repeated at least five times. This will greatly improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles thus allowing for a greater range of motion.
Lunges are one of the most effective exercises for building lower body strength. They are extremely effective in strengthening the quadriceps and the glute muscles while also improving core stability and balance.
Lunges have many variations each of which target a different portion of the leg muscle.
Three to five sets of 15-20 repetitions each is recommended. Weights should not be incorporated as it might put additional pressure on the already damaged nerve. Care must be taken to note that the knee of the bent leg should not go past the ankle. Otherwise, the knee might get injured or damaged
This is an extremely beneficial lower back strengthening exercise that also gives great results for lumbar pain. It is a hip abduction exercise that allows the spine to become more flexible. It targets the following muscles: muscles in the lumbar and sacral region, external obliques, quadriceps, gluteus, and abdominals.
Perform 15-20 repetitions and hold the posture for 5 seconds at the top. Beginners can also start with ten repetitions. Repeat 3 to 5 sets for best improvements. An easier modification would be to lift either arms or legs, not both at once
Lunges are an excellent exercise to target the quadriceps located in the front of the thighs, along with your glutes and hamstrings. This exercise stretches and strengthens these muscles to manage and prevent meralgia. For gaining its benefits, ensure that you do at least 2-3 sets of bodyweight lunges on each side while maintaining proper form.
An excellent exercise for meralgia, clamshells work by opening up your pelvic area to relieve pressure. This exercise also makes your hip stabilizers stronger and prevents pain and stiffness. For clamshell exercise to benefit you, repeat this at least 15 times on each side 1-2 times a day while following the correct form and technique.
When all these stretches and exercises are combined with appropriate lifestyle modifications like losing weight, refraining from alcoholism, etc. can help prevent or improve the symptoms of meralgia paresthetica. Also, tight clothing and accessories should be avoided for prolonged usage.
To know more, download Portea’s Mobile App and chat with a doctor for free. Avail Physiotherapy at home from the experts.
Sreedevi Madhavan manages the content at Portea. She has 6 years of experience writing and managing medical content relevant to the patient and physician community. She also writes blogs for self-development, a handiwork of which can be seen at: Sreedevi’s motto in life is “Keep learning, as learning keeps us young and dreams keep us alive.”
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